There are several different methods for managing collocation deployments. Each offers its own set of drawbacks and benefits.
Collocation Types
There are many different types of collocation including private suites and cages to secure lockable half, quarter or full cabinets. Renting a full cabinet in a Dallas collocation facility can be expensive, and as a result, some companies decide to purchase half cabinet, or even a quarter cabinets. While smaller cabinet spaces can reduce costs, they must be weighed against the advantages of having additional space available for expansion. Once the company decides upon a half, quarter or full cabinet, then they may turn their attention to management of the deployment.
Remotely Managed Servers
A server housed in a Dallas collocation facility can easily be managed remotely via a high-speed internet connection. This service does not incur any of the local loop charges normally associated with using a dedicated line to the prime server location. This method of server management proves especially useful for users that require a large amount of bandwidth and up-time, but have tight budget restrictions. To access a remote server, the user can simply connect through a piece of software like Terminal Server or VNC. This software allows access to the server through a console. From here the user can view or control the server remotely from any point around the world.
Virtual Hands (Managed Collocation)
Collocation facilities in Dallas which offer “virtual hands” remove the need for the client to be in physical contact with the server. The highly-trained collocation staff is available 24/7 to perform the physical tasks and maintenance associated with running a server. For example, these “virtual hands” services can plug in network lines, mount new hardware or connect new cables.
On-site Personnel
The last and most expensive option is to staff IT personnel inside the data center. Because many of these facilities offer work-site areas, this allows companies to place staff inside the building working side by side with their newly deployed equipment. Although this is by far the most costly of all the options, it does provide the company with the largest amount of control over their equipment.
As discussed above, they can use direct management of the server by their own IT staff, virtual management via a secure Internet connection, or managed collocation with IT services provided by the Dallas collocation center. If the company has done its homework, they will end up with the perfect collocation service to fill their needs.
Bio: Frank Smith writes articles about collocation and data centers in the Dallas area. He believes that Dallas Collocation is a wise choice for many businesses. Frank believes companies should always think about customizable solutions that are tailored to meet their needs. The Dallas Collocation he recommends can be found at
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