The Top 3 Features Missing from the Apple iPhone 5

Apple’s long awaited iPhone 5 was finally released on Friday, September 21, 2012 to an eager consumer market. It is the first Apple smartphone to contain 4G LTE connectivity speeds, a four-inch screen and a brand new, redesigned, smaller dock connector. With record numbers of five million units sold in the first weekend of its release, the iPhone 5 is certainly proving its worth as the most successful device to come out of Cupertino, California. However, nothing is perfect, not even an Apple iPhone. Users are still able to enjoy the privilege of unlimited long distance, but the device is missing certain features that could have made it that much closer to being perfect.

The Top 3 Features Missing from the Apple iPhone 5
The Top 3 Features Missing from the Apple iPhone 5

Near-Field Communications Technology

A key phone feature that is severely lacking in the iPhone 5 is NFC or near-field communications technology. NFC is a feature that has been available in a number of Android powered smartphones for some time, and it is also making an appearance in the brand new Windows Phone 8 smartphones that are coming within mere weeks. Near-field communications makes it possible to use your smartphone for storing credit and debit card information so that you can make payments directly from your device. It also allows for wirelessly charging your phone, which is something that is included in Nokia’s new Windows Phone 8 phones the Lumia 920 and Lumia 820. Many users would enjoy using these perks with the iPhone 5. Prior to the phone’s release, it was widely believed that Apple was planning to include it, but it was overlooked this time around.

More Customization

Many of Apple’s critics have longed for an iPhone to have more customization, which is a phone feature Android allows. The ability to add widgets is seen as being favorable; as it allows the user to more quickly get to the apps they use most. However, Apple has bypassed this feature in the iPhone 5 and merely added an additional row of icons as the screen is now a half-inch longer. While iOS does include a small measure of customization, it is more restrictive due to being a closed platform. It would be nice to simply get to a widget when you intend on making a call with your plan’s unlimited long distance, but this is not a possibility.

Better Battery Life

Perhaps the feature consumers are complaining about the most that has been overlooked is a considerably better battery life. The iPhone 5 sports a battery that is only 1440 mAh, which is on the small side when comparing it to the size battery boasted by many Android and Windows Phone devices. Coupled with iOS 6, the battery has been draining quite fast, which is something that is less than acceptable in a smartphone that runs on 4G LTE speeds.

Author Bio
Jennie is a mobile phone specialist offering premium internet throughout Canada, as well as voice and data plans to her valued clients.
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