Apple and Samsung's Water proof Technology | Waterproof Gadgets

Guest Post By Abie
Water Proof Mobile Technology
Smartphones are one of the leading gadgets and the most in demand today. Aside from its enticing appearance, they have unique and innovative features, which people patronize and look forward to. Let’s take Siri as the best example, which is very popular since Apple released the iPhone 4s. Who would have thought that you could have your own “personal secretary” through your mobile phone? And yes it is possible with Siri, as it can respond to your questions and executes commands intelligently.

However, these smartphones are indeed costly compared to other phones. This is the main reason why most users are bound to be protective of their gadgets. They buy various cases that can protect their phones including hard cases, shockproof and even waterproof cases.

Due to a high demand, leading smartphone manufacturers are trying to work out with a feasible solution to obtain the shockproof and waterproof features on the phone itself instead of buying cases and protective cover to do the job. As of now, there is a private Utah based company named HzO who came up with the idea and design of waterproofing electronic devices such as smartphones. This method is known as WaterBlock technology, which can protect your gadgets from damage caused by water accidents.

As mentioned, there are other waterproof casings available in the market especially made for smartphones. Nevertheless, some users prefer not to use it because it adds weight to the phone itself and looks bulkier, thus becoming inconvenient to use. With HzO WaterBlock technology, they were able to maintain the actual size and weight of the gadgets because of the thin and transparent film used that is not visible at all in this waterproofing method. It uses a water repellent nano-scale film barrier for waterproofing and this is what keeps your device safe from moisture even if it gets immersed in water. The very good thing about this technology is that, it doesn’t only provide protection on the outer parts of the phone but it also protects the internal electronic components such as batteries, logic boards and transistors using the same waterproof coating.

You might be wondering how the installation works. According to HzO, they use a vacuum chamber in which air is removed and then gas is pumped in that filters into the device. The gas that is being used is composed of waterproof material that will stick on all parts of the devices excluding the ports for cable, headphones and the like, providing a nanometers thick protective coating.

The process of waterproofing the device with HzO’s Waterblock technology can take several hours and so they find it too costly if they offer it at an after-market option that is why they have been conducting talks with various phone makers like Apple and Samsung to integrate this technology with their phones. If phone manufacturers incorporate the waterproofing technology in the manufacturing process of their phones, then this technology will be made available at little or no additional cost  to consumers

A lot of rumors has been circulating already that Apple and Samsung, which are the current fierce competitors now in making smart phones, are likely to adapt this technology in their forthcoming products including Apple’s iPhone 5.

HzO aims to make their waterblock technology a standard for all phones. If they succeed in negotiating with phone manufacturers, then this is another great feature that will benefit consumers.

Author’s Bio: Abie is a professional blogger and article writer. One of her current project is for printed T, a site where you can get professional t-shirt printing.
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